
Meditation on Twin Hearts by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui (MCKS)

Twin-HeartsThe first introduction I had with MCKS Pranic Healing was through this meditation. I came to my first group meditation and was easily distracted with what was going on in my body, outside of my body and all around me which was very difficult because how can you achieve inner peace with so much inner noise. However; in that subconscious attend of sabotaging myself I started listening to the guided words and the music playing; somehow I was there, experiencing a calm session. After the whole thing was over I felt so relaxed and at peace that I wanted more. Not only did I felt more at ease but also more patient and more respectful towards others. I took Pranic Healing shortly after that and this mediation has been a key to my spiritual progress. There are many secrets embedded in this mediation, the more you practice the more you start unlocking other higher spiritual knowledge. I remember in one of my many encounters with Master Choa, we were having dinner together and he started talking about Mediation on Twin Hearts; he turned to me, looked at my eyes and said: “See, if you practice Twin Hearts every day, miraculous things will start to happen in your life”. I will treasure these words and share this work with the world; we have so much to be grateful for; thank you for introducing this gift to do service for others and to help ourselves develop.

Joselhyt Day

Click here to listen to this meditation

What is Meditation On Twin Hearts?

images (1)MCKS introduced this meditation as an advanced technique for many purposes. It is said that it is a way of doing service to the world because through the activation of certain chakras and energy centers in the body one can share higher emotion energies with others and with the planet. It uses the prayer of Saint Francis of Asisi to project these energies and it is under this assumption that it is in giving that we receive that practitioner’s lives and their environment transform after practicing regularly. Another purpose is to develop spiritually; as one blesses the whole earth one can experience spiritual oneness and to further magnify the development of the higher consciousness it uses the OM and the silence between them to allow this achievement of cosmic awareness. Bringing this divine energy down to our body creates a healing effect as well, by clearing the auras and chakras; it makes it easier for the energy body to accelerate the healing process of the physical body. One can see permanent effects if the practitioners practice for a year. It is important to note that physical exercises are done before and after doing this meditation to release congested and excessive energies. It is practiced worldwide by people of different nationalities and religious backgrounds.

How can Meditation on Twin Hearts help me?

Some of the Benefits of Meditation on Twin Hearts:

  • Reduces stress.
  • Increases contentment, happiness, inner peace and joy in life.
  • Improves family and interrelationships.
  • Increases physical and inner strength.
  • Opens awareness to the infinite reservoir of energy, creativity, and intelligence that lies deep within everyone.
  • Cleanses and strengthens the chakras and auras (thereby makes the body on all levels stronger and more dynamic).
  • Increases mental clarity.
  • Increases intelligence and comprehension skills.

Who Should Not Practice Meditation on Twin Hearts:

  • Persons below 16 years of age.
  • Patients with severe heart ailment, hypertension, glaucoma, or kidney and liver problems.
  • Pregnant women.
  • Heavy smokers.
  • Heavy meat eaters (particularly pork).
  • Persons with excessive alcohol consumption or use of additive and hallucinogenic drugs.

In general, one should stop this meditation immediately if pain or severe discomfort is experienced.


This meditation is short, simple and very effective! You need only about 22 minutes, excluding the time for simple physical exercises before and after the meditation.

Physical exercise

Do physical exercises for about five to ten minutes to expel dirty energy or used-up energy

There is a guided audio CD meditation on by Master Choa Kok Sui available, all you need to do is relax and tune into the voice of Master Choa for his step-by-step instructions. Here’s a brief summary of the steps:

  1. Sit comfortably on a chair, with your spine away from the back of the chair, with your hands turned upwards resting on your lap. Close your eyes and silently ‘tune in’ by doing a simple prayer. Twin Hearts is independent of any religion, so you can choose to use your own prayer or invocation for peace, healing and harmony etc.
    Here is one example:
    To the Supreme God,
    To my spiritual teacher, to all the spiritual teachers
    To the holy angels and spiritual helpers, and all the great ones,
    We humbly invoke for divine guidance, divine love, illumination, divine oneness, divine bliss, divine help, and divine protection.
    We thank You, in full faith.
    Invocation is required for one’s guidance, help and protection.
  2. Connect the tongue to the palate. During the meditation, curl the tip of your tongue to your palate. It completes the connection between the front and back channels of our energy channels called meridians, thus increasing the energy level and its circulation.
  3. Think of a happy moment, any event or memory that brings a smile to you. This is to activate your heart chakra.
  4. Think of another happy moment. This is to activate your crown chakra.
  5.  Raise both your hands with your palms facing outward – imagine a small earth in front of you so you can project energy to Mother Earth, every person, the plant and animal kingdom and the environment.
  6. Master Choa will guide us with the Prayer of St Francis of Assisi – a beautiful universal prayer, to bless the entire earth with loving-kindness.
  7. After the prayer, put your hands back on your lap with the palms facing up. Imagine a point of light above your head. Look at it gently. Master Choa will chant OM nine times. Follow each OM by chanting along – silently – inside you, all the while gently focusing on the point of light above your head. Also, be aware of the silence in between each OM.
  8. A period of 2-3 minutes of silence follows. Just totally relax and let go. Feel the peace, calmness and Divine bliss…
  9. Master Choa will guide us to come back to our physical consciousness by moving our fingers and toes, followed by raising our hands in blessing posture again to release the excess energy to bless Mother Earth, our family and friends. You may also wish to send blessings to your special wishes, whatever they may be, for them to be materialized safely and properly.
  10. Finally, there is a ‘rooting technique’ – to ground ourselves so we can make use of the Divine energy to help us in our physical daily lives. Visualize a stream of white light coming out from the base of your spine and the bottom of your feet, and growing like roots three meters or ten feet, deep into Mother Earth, sending blessings and healing to Mother Earth.
  11. Open your eyes with a big smile to signify the close of the meditation session. You may gently massage your whole body to further absorb the healing energy.
  12. Please remember to do the same set of physical exercises at the close of Meditation on Twin Hearts.